Assessment Of Falls In The Elderly


Falls in elderly can be common. How do you go about deciding clinically if there is an underlying organic etiology that warrants further work up? Falls and unsteady gait are common presenting complaints that physicians routinely evaluate. How do you … Read More

Honoring Loved Ones: How to Make a Memory Journal 


You’ve lost someone special, and your heart aches with their absence. While the pain may fade over time, your love for them will not. One way to honor their memory and ensure their impact lives on is by creating a … Read More

Rainbow Road – Navigating The Precious Time You Have Left


When my sister and I were younger, my grandparents absolutely loved going to a restaurant called Fresh Choice. We would go often and create an evening full of memories out of it. My grandparents lived close by to my parents’ … Read More

How To Create Lasting Memories


We often wait for special occasions to snap a photo or video to catch that exact moment for a “perfect” shot. However, a lasting memory doesn’t have to be an event or a special occasion. Sometimes the best memories are … Read More

The Heart-Wrenching Reality of Caring for Dying Patients


It was another busy day in the intensive care unit, and I was already feeling exhausted before my shift had even begun. But as soon as I walked through the door, I knew I had to put on a brave … Read More

Tips That May Help Foster Healthy Aging:


If you have older family members or loved ones, you may worry a lot about their health as they grow older. As people age, the chances of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and dementia … Read More

How To Talk To A Loved One Who Just Got Diagnosed With Cancer?


Dealing with a family member who has cancer can be emotionally and physically challenging. Here are some pieces of advice that may help you navigate this difficult time: Remember, cancer affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. … Read More

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