What Happens in the Last 24 Hours Before Death? A Hospice Perspective


The final 24 hours of a person’s life can be a deeply emotional time for both the dying person and their loved ones. At Lenity Light Hospice, we strive to provide compassionate care and support during this delicate period. Understanding … Read More

Understanding Home Hospice Care


Hospice care is a specialized type of care designed to provide comfort and support to individuals and their families during the advanced stages of a terminal illness. Home hospice, specifically, is provided in the familiar surroundings of a patient’s own … Read More

Thoughtful Gifts for Hospice Patients: A Guide to Compassionate Giving


When a loved one is receiving hospice care, finding ways to express love, care, and support becomes a priority for many families and friends. However, selecting an appropriate gift for someone in hospice can be challenging. The key is to … Read More

Can Someone in a Coma Still Hear? Navigating Caregiving and Conversations in Hospice 


A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness that can be brought on by various medical conditions, such as severe brain injuries or certain illnesses. For loved ones and caregivers, it raises many questions, one of which is whether someone … Read More

Understanding the Compassionate World of Hospice Care: More Than Just End-of-Life Support


Hospice care, often misunderstood, is a specialized form of care aimed at providing comfort and quality of life for individuals at the end of their life’s journey. It’s not just about medical care in the final days but a comprehensive … Read More

Pet Therapy In Hospice


In times of the deterioration of one’s health, maintaining physical and mental well-being is crucial in sustaining a comfortable lifestyle, especially in hospice. Therapy through pets has proven to bring countless benefits to fulfilling emotional needs, as well as having … Read More

Dealing with Uncontrolled Pain 


During my tenure, I’ve encountered instances where unconscious patients later recollected the painful procedures they underwent. After regaining consciousness, they share accounts of the painful experiences they underwent because their pain wasn’t managed. Witnessing their tears shed light on a … Read More

Embracing The Journey: Compassionate Guide for Cancer Patients on Hospice Care 


Over the years as a nurse, I’ve had the privilege of being part of many patients’ deeply personal journeys. Each person’s story, especially those courageously battling cancer, is their own, filled with memories, hopes, fears, and dreams. From my experiences … Read More

Engaging Activities for Dementia Patients: Keeping Loved Ones Active


“Dementia resembles delirium in the same way an ultra-marathon resembles a dash across the street. Same basic components, vastly different scale. If you’ve run delirium’s course once or twice in your life, try to imagine a version that never ends.”  … Read More

Coping With Caregiver Guilt


How to Cope with Caregiver Guilt: A Compassionate and Informed Guide for Caregivers  What is Caregiver guilt?  Caring for a loved one is an act of compassion and dedication that often comes with its own set of challenges. Caregivers selflessly … Read More

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