Practical Advice for Caring for a Dependent Loved One at Home 


As a Registered nurse, I know that caring for a dependent loved one at home may seem intimidating. You could be uncertain of what the future holds, how to meet their needs, and what the best practices are to care … Read More

Rituals to Cope With Transitioning To A Nursing Facility


In the tapestry of life, there are moments that test our resilience and challenge our spirits. One such juncture is the profound transition from the cherished abode of one’s home to the embrace of a nursing home. It is a … Read More

The Realities Of In-Hospital Deaths


The night started out as any other night that month. Night float, 12 hours of cross covering patients for teams that have been hard at work trying to treat patients and get them back home to their loved ones. The … Read More

You Can’t Save Everyone


As a nursing student that was a tough pill to swallow. I’m not referring to patients who have succumbed to their health conditions, but rather those who suffer due to their active non-compliance with their care regimen. During my third … Read More

A Nurse’s Perspective: How To Handle The Death Of A Patient


When choosing a profession such as nursing to venture into, people are usually aware of the fact that they will be surrounded by sickness and death. While it’s understood that taking care of people with contagious diseases, and deadly viruses … Read More

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